
Prof. Gang Pan

Dr. Gang Pan is a professor at York St John University (UK, 2022-) and a chair professor at the Guangdong Ocean University (China, 2021-). He was a professor and served as an Associate Dean of the School of Animal, Rural, and Environmental Sciences and Director of the iWEF Centre at Nottingham Trent University (UK) from 2016 to 2022. He was a Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory at the Research Center for Eco-environmental Sciences (RCEES), Chinese Academy of Sciences from 2000 to 2016. Prof Gang Pan works on the remediation/management of natural waters, including nutrient cycling, pollution control, and pollutant reutilization technologies. He has a track record in multidisciplinary chemical, environmental, ecological, water, nano, algal biotechnology, and geoengineering studies. He is considered a founding member of Geo-engineering for lake restoration. He is a pioneer in developing cost-effective and safe technologies for harmful algal bloom control and aquatic ecological restoration, fundamental surface adsorption theories, and applying synchrotron techniques in environmental and geochemical sciences. He is also a pioneer in studying nanobubbles and their application in environmental protection. His current research focused on establishing the iWEF framework (Integrated Water-Energy-Food studies), where pollutants in water and soil can be cleaned up and turned into biofuel, electricity, and anti-toxin biochar (for agricultural grain safety) through innovative technologies. He has published > 350 peer-reviewed journal papers with citations 12k and an H-index of 64 (Google Scholar).